Friday, November 8, 2013


I would like to thank Jaida and Deanna, from 5th period, and Ben and Laura, from 9th period, for their willingness to learn, patience, and contributions to class discussion. Trust me, Ms. Gamzon is taking note (and so am I!).

To the class,

Do we need further review on what we have learned about modernism so far? Here is your chance to voice your opinion and exercise your authority as a member of the class community. But, before saying "yes," ask yourself: "Did I take notes in class? Did I do my own research on Modernism? Have I read the readings assigned for class? Have I annotated my readings with APCB literary terms?

*Please remember our discourse has only included an introduction to modernist writers. I do not expect you to know everything there is to know about Modernism or modernist literature. (Relax, and don't get anxious we'll get through this!) Instead, you should be familiar with: when the Modernism movement occurred; features of modernist literature (including themes, features, and characterizations); two or three modernist writers (including biographies); and significant historical events which took place in America during this time.

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