Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes---Why does it matter?!

Housekeeping - Check for Annotations on Zora Neale Hurston’s “Things suffered…” worksheet
H.W.  Finish the novel over your 5-day vacation break!!! Happy T-Day!
Brainstorming and Selecting Creative Pieces for Final Assessment
      You will co-construct our final project in class
      The final multi-genre project must have three components: 2-page essay, and two corresponding creative pieces
Jane Elliot's Brown eye, Blue eye Experiments
College visit
Elementary School Children
      Mr. Johnson will assign literature circles and your task is to annotate a critique (see blog_____) on Zora Neale Hurston's work.
      You must select 2 points of interest from the critique and discuss at least one rhetorical or literary term
H.W.  Finish the novel!!!


  1. Create a diary with a few entries that relate to events that happened in the book. Also,write a monologue in one of the characters percpective that is not Janie (perhaps in Joe's perspective).

  2. Visual Art: draw/paint a scene from the book, make a collage of important people/things in the novel.

  3. A creative project could be to come up with a a piece of music, instrumental or lyrical, that could be Janie's theme throughout the novel.

  4. As a creative writing major and a piano major, I'd say that two projects that could work for the final assessment would be composing a piece for one of the characters that represents their personality and how I interpreted them. I'd also write a poem or something to go with it that explains the nature of the composition.

  5. Being a strings major, one project that i could do is make a song that depicts the different moods in the novel. I could also make a diorama that depicts a scene that stands out the most to me in the novel.

  6. Make a drawing depicting an important scene from the novel. Or make a diorama showing a significant scene from the book.

  7. I could write a poem relating to a theme or two in the novel and either a documentary (if I have the time) or a newspaper with a few articles about events that happened either in the novel or in the time period relating to the novel
