Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome back!

Welcome Back, AP English Per. 5 and 9!


EQ: What is peer editing?

1. Taking care of business:  Discuss course criteria sheet for course overview and expectations again.

2. Using technology.  Use the computers to access the class blog in A239 or at home: View Stephen Fry youtube video:

 and write a short response after learning how to log on to class blog (use your ID and birth date today to create a new password that you can easily remember)  and write a comment after viewing the video clip.  Think about language, grammar, and the conventions of English language usage.  Your daily comments will count towards your classwork grade.

3. Addressing the Essential Question:
In the next 3 days, we will examine peer editing as a model for your work this year in composition and ultimately for preparation for all the standardized exams you will be asked to take.

CLOSE READING involves the ability not only to write about what we read, but also to be able to discuss it.  EVIDENCE and CLAIMS is also part of the Common Core, but also part of studying other content areas.  The STRATEGY is that you make an ARGUMENT  (involving one or several CLAIMS from the TEXT) and provide EVIDENCE after CLOSE READING of the EVIDENCE and  CLAIMS you are presented with. (Sounds like we're building a nation of lawyers, huh?)  Yet, I've always told you, my students, to think like a DETECTIVE and write like a LAWYER.

Question #2 on the AP exam asks yo to read a passage (unknown, not studied before) and then analyze it.  Yet, you have the skills.  So how do you do it?
Handout:  Peer editing Worksheets
Share the 5 SOAPSTONE essays you wrote this summer (BRAVO!) and begin to peer edit in groups of 4. First, let's discuss the PEER EDITING HANDOUT:

What is the prompt and how does it want us to handle it?

 Let's look at organization and development.

Is a four or five paragraph organization appropriate or satisfactory for a test response?

Long enough?  Developed enough?

Language and mechanics. This is a big category (we need to discuss this later, but you can sense it now as you read):
sentence structure (SYNTAX),
use of language (DICTION),
grammar and usage.

For tomorrow:
Handout: AP Resource packet

Assignment: Go over AP terms --first ten words-- "the A list" for quiz next week

Sign out first novel: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien


  1. Rachael Rapoza

    The video called “Language” by Stephen Fry talks about the “right way” to use language and how some people find it unimportant to correctly use the English language. In the video Fry talks about how some people find language uninteresting and unimportant. Fry also questions why people find the need to constantly correct people if they aren’t using the right language.

  2. After watching Stephen Fry’s video speech on language, I feel differently about language myself. Many of the comparisons he made to everyday life struck me as comments that I agree with. He made the point to say that language is changing every day. As a youth in a generation that has gone through many changes in the last decade, there are many things about language that I cannot agree with those of older generations about. Language is one of those subjects that happens to confuse me. When I read older English, often times I am confused by their diction. It is a positive thing for me to see someone who can agree that language changes as generations continue.

  3. Elizabeth Clark

    The video “Language”, by Stephen Fry epitomizes everything I believe in when it comes to language and the use of it. Very often, people overreact to the misuse of words, punctuation, and spelling. While those are important things, people should simply appreciate the beauty of language and not nitpick over small things.

  4. The Youtube video by Stephen Fry, although confusing, taught an important lesson on grammar and language. As much as I can remember from the video, Fry spoke about the importance of grammar in modern day society. It is easy to agree with what Fry spoke of, because nowadays grammar has become a thing of the past, and mistake are often made in society. It was difficult to keep track of what was said in the video, however I respect Stephen Fry’s video and attempt to reach out to the public about modern day language and grammar. The use of English language has become something that is put aside when thought of, and Fry’s video is a realization that any mistake made is a silly one and really should not have been made.

  5. Stephen Fry made a lot of captivating points in his “language” video. He stressed that we as society have become too caught up in the rules and logistics of the English language. In result, it has lost its beauty or art form and is viewed more as an equation in math or a scientific formula. He seemed to be greatly resentful of people that pride themselves in promoting grammatical correctness. By doing this he believed they are promoting the destruction of language as an art form and neglecting the inevitable evolution of grammar and language itself.

  6. Molly Elliott
    The video was easy to agree with. The author had a good point about grammar and the English language. Our language is changing all the time. The video gave examples of how out language is always changing.

  7. Stephen Fry’s video on language was very interesting. It was entertaining too because of how he structured everything. He spoke on “language” and how people use it in its many different aspects. He was informal yet had important and true things to say. He spoke on nouns and verbs and how nouns become verbs at the oddest of times, yet when it does, people are critical about it. Stephen Fry’s approach to get across his thoughts was entertaining, but it did make me realize a lot of things about the English language. It is so vast and so many people have changed a lot of parts of it but it became common and unquestioned by me. I just figured it was the normal thing for whatever time period the writing piece was written in. When he brought up Shakespeare and his use of nouns into verbs was really funny because it is true! Yet I never really focused on it and put it together until he blatantly said it.

  8. This video happened to be a very interesting video. It talked about language and how there is really no right or wrong way to express and use it. One point proving this is when Fry analyzed how Shakespeare manipulated nouns and morphed them into verbs. I overall agree with Stephen Fry because in order for language to be interesting and well developed, it requires some form of creativity in order for writers to develop a sense of style and to keep their readers engaged.

  9. The topic of the video was “language”. The speaker uses a very descriptive vocabulary to share his opinion on grammar and the many different aspect and changes that it has gone through overtime. The speaker also takes the opinions of others to express his own. The speaker also shows his knowledge by giving great examples of literature and grammar. The speaker had a very strong opinion on the use of language and the visuals helped to carry out his view.

  10. This video by Stephen Fry on the topic of language was very descriptive and interesting. He seems very passionate about his view on the use of language and his wording seems very sophisticated. He uses examples such as Shakespeare, which help to further develop his opinion and give the audience something to connect to which helped to understand what he was trying to say. I agree with his thought that we've become so focused on having perfect grammar, word usage etc. that it's not as special anymore.

  11. The video “Language” was interesting. It made good points about how people accuse others of using “wrong” language even though they don’t use it “right” themselves. The video is showing how language can be used in so many different ways and how some people don’t make use of that.

  12. Stephen Fry’s video on language was something that many people can agree on. The way that he talks about people having used the wrong kind of grammar is very true. Grammar has changed throughout history and has taken many different forms. Some of which are not correct but are none the less language. His passion for language is something very beautiful
