Friday, February 13, 2015

Vocabulary Huck Finn

Vocabulary Huck Finn

Vocabulary for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters I- VII

1.     big-bug (noun) - an important person
2.     bullyrag (verb)- browbeat, harass
3.     delirium tremens (verb)- violent hallucinations caused by excessive drinking
4.     pungle (verb) - pay up
5.     raspy (adjective) - harsh, irritating
6.     skiff (noun)- a small, light rowboat
7.     slouch (noun)- a soft, wide-brimmed hat
8.     ingots (Noun)- a piece of metal formed from a mold.
9.     sumter (noun) - a pack animal
10.  temperance (adjective)- self-control, especially in drinking

Vocabulary for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters VIII - XVI

1.     chucklehead (adjective)- fool, blockhead
2.     contrived (verb)- planned, devised
3.     corn-pone - a cheap kind of corn bread
4.     crawfish (verb)- to back out
5.     dolphin (dauphin) (noun) - the eldest son of a king
6.     fan-tods (adjective)- a state of nervousness or fear
7.     haggled (verb)- cut in a clumsy or awkward way
8.     pilot-house (noun)- a compartment on a steamboat in which the pilot works
9.     rapscallions - rascals, scoundrels
10.  wigwam - a hut built for shelter

Vocabulary for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters XVII- XXX

1.     disposition - desire, inclination
2.     doxolojer (doxology) - a hymn of praise to God
3.     frowsy-headed - unkempt or sloppy looking
4.     greenhorns - unsophisticated people
5.     histrionic - theatrical
6.     obsequies - funeral rites
7.     phrenology - examining the shape of a person's head to tell his fortune
8.     pommel - a bump at the front of a saddle
9.     pulpit - a high table or lectern used for preaching
10.  slouch - a lazy or incompetent person


Vocabulary for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters XXXI – Chapter the Last

1.     bogus (adjective)- false, fake
2.     brickbat (noun)- any small, hard object used for throwing
3.     desperadoes (noun)- bandits, criminals
4.     fox-fire (adjective)- a glow from decaying wood
5.     mortification (adjective)- death of a body part
6.     owdacious (audacious) (adjective)- bold, impertinent
7.     pettish (adjective)- fretful
8.     powderhorn (adjective)- a flask for holding gunpowder
9.     rascality (adjective)- mischief, wickedness
10.  stealthy (adjective)- secret, hidden

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