Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Can each character tracking group from As I Lay Dying make sure you email me your handout and paper so I have an electronic copy of everything for my portfolio? My email address:

Also, each group from yesterdays class can post the answers to the questions from The Real Thing to this post.
Ms. Snyder


  1. Gaelynn, Valerie, Sam, Michelle, Chastity, and Danielle.

    We thought that the Monarchs were fake, plastic in a way. They put a mask over who they reeally were. The models however were real. They had substance to them which the Monarchs didn't have. As for what we thought "type" was, we thought that "type" was that stereotypical image that everyone thinks of when they hear a type or person. For example: when someone thinks "celebrity" they think rich, and famous, somewhat stuck up, has assistants for everything. That type of thing.
    As for the "real thing" we thought that there really is no "real thing" because in art, its the artist's interpretation of "real" is. In art the closest thing you can come to being real is photography and even that can be altered from the real thing sometimes. As for the conclusion we thought that the narrator was surprised by the Monarchs' behavior. From what he had seen them do, and had seen them act he didn't expect that they would do something like cleaning his house. It really changed his thought about them.

  2. Thomas, Zach, Khari, Bolan

    In this story James leaves the meaning of 'the real thing' up to debate, and that sometimes reality is not as good as illusion. In this story the monarchs are upper class but when it comes to modeling the artist finds them virtually useless, however two lower class models are able to show what the artist wants to see, the percieved image of the upper class.
    James shows that what is real can change from person to person and that 'the real thing' is an ambiguous concept. btw this is tom not rosy
