Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hamlet Act 3, Sc. 2/Sc. 4



1. What plan do Polonius, Claudius and Ophelia now put into action?

2.What is the nature of Hamlet's soliloquy, lines 64-98?
Read this, Hamlet's fifth soliloquy, carefully. How is it different from the other soliloquies? What is the mood of the soliloquy? How do you react to it? What is happening to Hamlet?

3. What is Hamlet's main argument against suicide?

4. Why does Hamlet treat Ophelia as cruelly as he does? What has changed him?

5.What thinly veiled threat to Claudius does Hamlet voice, after he becomes of his hidden presence? (lines 148-150)

6. At the end of scene 1, what does the King decide to do with Hamlet?

7.What qualities in Horatio cause Hamlet to enlist his assistance? and what does Hamlet ask Horatio to do?

8.Why, in line 233, does Hamlet refer to the play-within-a-play as "The Mouse-trap"? What is the King's reaction to the play?

9.In lines 354-363, to what object does Hamlet compare himself? Why?

10.Describe the role of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in this act.

11. Why doesn't Hamlet kill Claudius when he has the chance? What does Claudius find it impossible to do? Why is that ironic?

12.Why does the ghost appear to Hamlet again? What is different this time? What thoughts do you have about these differences?

13. Describe your impressions of Hamlet's interactions with his mother. In lines 20-21, Hamlet says to his mother, "You go not till I set you up a glass/ Where you may see the inmost part of you." Beginning with line 55, in what way does he do this?

14. Why does Hamlet kill Polonius? Is this a rational mistake? What is your reaction?

15. The climax is the turning point in a story or play when the action changes course and begins to resolve itself. It is generally agreed that the climax of Hamlet occurs in Act Three. When does it occur?

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