Friday, October 14, 2011

The Bluest Eye Vocabulary Autumn

TEST NEXT FRIDAY--Week #1 of Marking Period #2

Quizlet The Bluest Eye vocabulary "Autumn"

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  1. abhorrent: [adj] repellent, hateful
  2. acridness: [n] bitterness, acidity
  3. addled: [adj] confused in mind, irrational, nonsensical
  4. affluence: [n] wealth, state of material well being
  5. ameliorate: [v] to make better, to improve
  6. buffeted: [v] given blows, hits
  7. chafe: [v] to rub roughly
  8. chagrined: [v or adj] upset, bothered, irritated
  9. complement: [v] to harmonize with, as complementary colors
  10. covert: [adj] hidden, secret
  11. dirge: [n] sad, mourning song
  12. disinterested: [adj] without emotion or passion, detached, objective
  13. dissipation: [n] squandering energy often through drinking excessibely
  14. emasculate: [v] to deprive of manhood, to humiliate
  15. epithets: [n] informal names, terms to refer to someone either in an endearing or in an insulting way
  16. fabricate: [v] to build, to create
  17. fervently: [adv] passionately, with feeling
  18. fretful: [adj] anxious, bothered, worrisome, peevish
  19. fructify: [v] to make fruitful
  20. furtive: [adj] sneaking, hidden
  21. harridans: [n] shrews, scolding, demanding women
  22. interminable: [adj] neverending
  23. irrevocable: [adj] irreversible, incapable of being taken back
  24. malaise: [n] unease, illness
  1. metaphysical: [adj] larger or greater than the physical, concerned with philosophical or spiritual matters
  2. myraid: [adj] many, a multitude
  3. peripheral: [adj] on the outside edges
  4. pervade: [v] to infiltrate
  5. petulant: [adj] sulky, spoiled
  6. preen: [v] to admire oneself, to primp
  7. pristine: [adj] pure
  8. schemata: [n] order
  9. solicitous: [adj] concerned about
  10. soliloquoy: [n] (plural- soliloquies) speech spoken aloud to oneself
  11. consolidate: [v] to put together (to make "solid" various things)
  12. static: [adj] unchanging
  13. strident: [adj] loud, clamoring
  14. succumb: [v] to be defeated, to give up
  15. tacitly: [adv] silently, understood without spoken words
  16. timbre: [n] tone, quality of sound; as tone of voice
  17. unsullied: [adj] undirtied, unpolluted

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS A COMMENT!!!!!!!!
